Wikipedia Permissions

The below image files have been published with permission to WikiMedia Commons under the Free Art License:

File: LKharitonov_Volga_Boatmen_Song.jpg
Эй, ухнем

File: LKharitonov_Vdol_Po_Peterskoy.jpg
Вдоль по Питерской

File: Leonid Kharitonov Kazachka.jpg
Черноглазая казачка

File: Leonid Kharitonov Utyos.jpg
Есть на Волге утес

File: Leonid Kharitonov Gori Gori.jpg
Гори гори моя звезда

File: Leonid Kharitonov 1970s.jpg
Leonid Kharitonov

File: Leonid_Mikhailovich_Kharitonov_001.jpg
Leonid Mikhailovich Kharitonov

Leonid Kharitonov in Wikipedia

Mikhail L. Kharitonov
Leonid M. Kharitonov

Copyright Co-Holders
23 May 2010

  1. #1 by Aida Mueller on 20.02.2013 - 23:47

    Dear Mr. Kharitonov,

    I have never heard A more beautiful voice in my life (I am 70 years old). Your voice is a miracle, a wonderful medecine for me. I discovered «Ej Ukhnem» two weeks ago and I listen to you sing every day. Your singing fills my heart with great joy that makes me forget my problems. I will pray for you and hope that you and your family are blessed always. I studied a year of Russian 52 years ago but I am sorry to say that I forgot most of it. Spaciba, Aida Mueller

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